How to join



When to start:

We restrict the minimum age to 5 years. This may change from time to time (by a higher age limit) since we want to maintain a diverse age group at our club. We especially encourage members from 10+ years to join since it is the perfect age to start Karate. For younger than 10 years, please remember that due to the techniques and skill requirements, it may take a bit longer for you (or your child) to become familiar with all syllabus and technique requirements for grading.


We are members of SKIF, which is an international Karate organization, and our belts are recognized all over the world. At our dojo, all participants in grading are expected to show understanding and master all foreseen techniques with high standards in order to pass. You may download the syllabus below.


Joining from different Karate (and other martial arts) styles

If you have been practicing Shotokan Karate, we will assess your skills in order to confirm if they meet the SKIF standards level and will give you starting kyu grade. 

All non-Shotokan participants will begin with white belts. However, based on your previous experience and skill level, you may progress faster.

We recognize black belts from some Shotokan organizations (such as JKA). In some cases you may need to undergo a dan confirmation grading with SKIF.

How long it takes to obtain a black belt


In principle, Shodan (first-degree black belt) is just the beginning. You now possess the skills necessary to start more seriously your karate journey. There is no general answer to this. It all depends on your engagement, how often you come to training, your attitude, character and personal physical and psychological strength.

Some students never reach this level, and some achieve it after some years. In general, the more often you train higher the chance for you to achieve the black belt level. Also, on your Karate journey, you will meet many challenges and often will consider to quit; this is also part of the learning, so it is vital to train hard and do not give up. There is no short-cut to black belt and you will need to go through all stages of training and preparation and take it seriously.


Training times, fees, location


We train 3 times per week. You may accomplish the best progress if you attend all three days.  We charge a monthly fee independent of how many times per week you train. It is monthly club membership and has nothing to do with how many times per week you train.


Training days and times are given below:


Mon   8:00PM 9:00PM
Wed   7:00PM 8:00PM
Thu  6:00PM 7:00PM
Thu Adv 5:00PM 6:00PM








In addition to normal training, we also have Thursday's advanced training that mainly includes more advanced members and is tailored to improving kumite (fighting) skills, more advanced kata and kihon.


We receive many questions on joining about "how can I be(come) a good fighter and develop fighting skills". So the answer to this is "Practice makes the master", or you can not develop fighting skills if you do not practice fighting. So, the second Thursday advanced class is dedicated to this. Also, competitions, individual lessons, etc. are all on Thursdays (advanced class); you do not need to pay anything for this; it is included in your monthly club membership.




Our dojo is located at Marsden Park Neighbourhood Centre.


Free trial


Before enrolling, we encourage prospective members to come for a free trial to familiarize themselves with our training and dojo atmosphere and get an insight into how it is to train Karate. It is also an opportunity for the instructor to become familiar with you.  For free trial you need to download and sign the informed consent form from this page below. It informs you about all possible risks of Karate training and also makes you aware that you (your child) have to follow the instructor's directions and behave in respectful and appropriate manner at the training. Trial is only possible with signing this form. For underage students the parent must sign the part b as given in the form.


Karate is developed and tailored for everyone, and if you invest effort and regularly come to training after some time, you will definitely notice progress. 

In principle, the key to success is being regular in training and using your time effectively while training to develop your karate skills as much as you can. You will be surprised after some time with the progress provided you train regularly and give max effort on training


Enrolling and fees


After your free trial, if you decide to join, you will have a chat with Sensei and will need to submit a few forms.  The first form is Marsden PArk dojo joining form. For this form you will also need to submit 2 recent photographs. 


Monthly Club Membership: Contact Sensei for current monthly club membership rate.




So, the enrollment consists of the following:


  • Download and sign the informed consent form. Come for a free trial. Parent must sign the form for underage child before free trial. 

  • Obtain Marsden PArk dojo joining form from Sensei or club administrator.

  • Submit to Sensei the Marsden Park dojo joining form (include 2 recent photos )

  • Arrange for club membership payment with Sensei

  • Obtain a free uniform after submitting everything.

Come, train and enjoy.


I am going to holiday for few months, do I need still to pay the monthly club membership fee?


Yes, your monthly membership is not connected to your training but it is club membership, so even if you do not come physically to train you need to pay your monthly club membership.


I will not be training for few weeks do I still need to pay my membership?


Yes, you still need to pay your monthly club membership since it is not connected to training but it is club membership.


I want to stop my membership


You may stop your club membership by giving written one calendar month notice in person on formless signed paper or per E-mail.


Still questions? if yes, give Sensei a buzz on 0411 495 606 or if you prefer to write


